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StarSpikes Pro 2 Full Version ##HOT##

Here we go, unguided during a nearly full moon using an uncooled, "planetary" camera on a night with hazy skies, normal Bortle 7 light pollution, and passing clouds. This is the first image that I've processed to completion using my one-week-old William Optics RedCat 51 II.

StarSpikes Pro 2 Full Version

I think I got a fairly good copy of the RedCat but I won't really know for sure until I've had a few more nights to try it out. In this particular configuration there was a fairly significant tilt in the image plane (or optics) which caused some elongation in the stars on the left side of the image which I could have tried to correct in the post processing, but I didn't so what you see here is nearly the native, full-frame performance of my particular RedCat (well, "full-frame" on a small, one-shot-color, planetary camera that has 2um pixels, the ASI678MC has a sensor size of 7.7mm x 4.3mm with 3840 x 2160 pixels). I used darks but no flats or bias files.

Here is a more "artful" version that used ProDigital Software's StarSpikes Pro to add diffraction and flare effects. Sometimes your stars can be too small. It's surprising that I'm finding the RedCat almost undersampled even with 2um pixels and I'm getting FWHM measurements down in the 4 arc second range (which is pretty good for a 50mm aperture).

The cowboy is getting a little rotund but he's still visible. I guess I should try this same treatment on the full scale copy of the image, since the image below was created from the version that had already been reduced in size. That might also allow me to apply a finer level of control on the sizes of the stars and the strength of the star spikes.

Here is a new version using StarSpikes Pro. I went back to the full-scale source image which allowed finer control on the effect. Also, an image of the cowboy asterism that I've rotated to be heads up and reproduced at full scale from the original capture. This small group of stars forms the center of NGC 869 (the cluster on the right). In the full-frame images and with north up the cowboy is lying down with his head toward the left.

Astro Panel is only compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC from 2018 to 2023 version. Compatibility with the new Mac M1 processors is guaranteed by starting Adobe Photoshop in Rosetta emulation mode.

QUICK TOOLS like Forward and Back, the Quick White Mask, Curve Level and Tonal Values, White Brush and Black Brush, Hue / Saturation and Color Balance have been optimized compared to the previous version.

Astro panel is only compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC from 2018 to 2022 version. Compatibility with the new Mac M1 processors is guaranteed by starting Adobe Photoshop in Rosetta emulation mode.

I like aiming for an exposure time that shows the stars as points to most viewers, but as short lines to viewer who are able to look at the stars up close at full resolution. If the exposure time is too long, the stars will all look like lines and you'll lose some options on the creative processing side.

The initial project was to generate a classical H-SHO-RGB composition, but during the preparation of the starless version, I noticed that this nebula has a fantastic pattern with complex regions of bright and dark nebulae. By adding back the stars from the Hα image, most of the faint nuances were lost, which is a pity. So, I propose this starless version which includes 68 Cyg inspired by the work of Gary Lopez.

We've verified our Photoshop 8bf-style plug-ins are fully compliant with the Affinity Photo interface, but I can't find any "submit your plug-ins" links to allow us to request their addition to your list:

The common filenames for the program's installer are rundll32.exe, StarSpikes_Plugin_PC_x64In.exe or StarSpikes_Plugin_PC_x86In.exe etc. You can set up StarSpikes Pro on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32 and 64-bit. The size of the latest installation package available for download is 14.1 MB. The most popular versions of the software 3.1, 2.1 and 2.0. The actual developer of the program is ProDigital Software.

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