Dibels Oral Reading Fluency Passages =LINK=
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What are DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Passages and How to Use Them
DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) passages are short texts that students read aloud for one minute. They are designed to measure how fluently and accurately students can read connected text. DIBELS ORF passages are part of the DIBELS 8th Edition assessment system, which is a set of measures that can be used for universal screening, benchmark assessment, and progress monitoring in Kindergarten to 8th grade[^1^].
Fluency is an important skill for reading comprehension, as it allows students to focus on the meaning of the text rather than on decoding individual words. Fluency also supports motivation and engagement in reading, as it makes reading more enjoyable and rewarding. To develop fluency, students need to practice reading texts that match their level of accuracy and prosody (expression and intonation). DIBELS ORF passages provide a way to monitor students' fluency development and identify those who need additional instruction or intervention[^3^].
To administer DIBELS ORF passages, the teacher or examiner gives the student a copy of the passage and a stopwatch. The student is asked to read the passage as quickly and accurately as possible, while the teacher or examiner follows along on a scoring sheet. The teacher or examiner marks any errors that the student makes, such as mispronunciations, substitutions, omissions, insertions, or hesitations. After one minute, the teacher or examiner says \"stop\" and records the total number of words read and the number of errors. The score is calculated by subtracting the number of errors from the number of words read. This is called the words correct per minute (WCPM) score[^1^].
DIBELS ORF passages are available for benchmark assessment and progress monitoring. Benchmark assessment is conducted three times a year (beginning, middle, and end) to determine students' risk status and instructional needs. Progress monitoring is conducted more frequently (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) to track students' growth and response to intervention. DIBELS ORF passages are grade-level texts that vary in difficulty across time of year and progress monitoring forms. The passages are also aligned with state standards and include fiction and nonfiction genres[^1^].
DIBELS ORF passages can be used to inform instructional decision-making and provide feedback to students. Teachers can use the data from DIBELS ORF passages to group students according to their fluency needs, select appropriate texts for instruction and practice, and provide explicit and systematic instruction on fluency components (accuracy, rate, and prosody). Teachers can also use the data to set goals with students, celebrate their achievements, and motivate them to improve their fluency skills[^3^].
DIBELS ORF passages are a reliable and valid measure of reading fluency that can help teachers identify students who need support and monitor their progress. DIBELS ORF passages are easy to administer and score, and can be downloaded for free from the DIBELS website[^2^]. Alternatively, DIBELS ORF passages can be administered online or on a mobile device through the DIBELS Data System (DDS) or mCLASS platform[^1^]. DIBELS ORF passages are a useful tool for improving students' reading fluency and comprehension. aa16f39245